Connect with Expert Writers

We are the largest expert writer network ready to tackle your most important writing projects.
Specialized Talent for Every Project
Quality writing demands more than general freelancers. WriterHire is a select community where you can connect with specialized writers, from UX writing and screenwriting to academic and marketing content.
Effortless Matching with the Ideal Writer
At WriterHire, we simplify your search for the perfect writer. Our platform connects you with professionals whose expertise precisely matches your project needs, ensuring a fruitful and efficient collaboration.
Versatile Writing Expertise for Exceptional Content
Our community doesn't just write; they craft content with expertise. Whether it's engaging storytelling, persuasive marketing copy, or in-depth technical writing, our writers produce work that resonates and achieves your goals.
talented writers
writing specializations
easy hiring process

How WriterHire Works


Tell Us About Your Project or Needs

Let us know about your writing project or requirements. Once you submit a request, a member of our team will connect with you to understand your specific needs and the expertise you're seeking.

Review Writer Profiles

We'll present you with profiles of writers whose expertise aligns with your project. Review their skills, experience, and writing styles to choose the best fit for your needs. Once you've made your selection, we facilitate the connection to get your project underway.

Collaborate with Ease

Work directly with your chosen writer, enjoying a straightforward and efficient collaboration process. We ensure quality and satisfaction through continuous support and oversight, making sure your project is on track.

Scale Your Team as Needed

Impressed with our writers' expertise and the results? You can easily connect with more of our talented writers to scale up your content production or diversify your writing projects.

Easily Hire and Manage Expert Writers
Suited for Your Project

SEO content for
Technical content
Content strategy for
Content Expansion

Do you have a basic draft or concept and need a professional writer to develop it further?

WriterHire can connect you with expert writers who specialize in expanding and enhancing initial ideas, taking your content to new heights.

Specialized Projects

Ready to dive into niche content?

Whether it’s technical documentation, creative storytelling, or targeted marketing material, our writers are equipped to deliver specialized content that aligns with your specific needs.

Project Pitches and Proposals

Hesitant to fully commit due to uncertain market response or funding?

Our skilled writers can craft compelling project proposals and pitches to help validate your ideas in the market and secure funding.

Concept Development

Eager to turn your vision into reality?

From initial concept to a full-fledged content plan, our writers are adept at creating cohesive and engaging content strategies, ready for any platform, be it web or print.

Recommended by 97% of Our Customers

Right provider for complex projects
"Bottom line, you create tremendous value for people, so they see a clear benefit to associate with you."
Dennis Yu
Dennis Yu
Co-Founder of BlitzMetrics
Talented, responsive and reasonable!
"Provides the most actionable resources and have a one-of-a-kind community for connecting professionals."
Bruno Estrella
Head of Growth Marketing at Webflow
WriterHire rocks
We needed a new long-term product development partner to identify the issues, and ideally, take over the entire product. The performance of our shipping platform increased dramatically since DevTeam.Space stepped in. We plan to continue working with them on a long term basis.
Richard Chilton
Owner, Island Bargains


1. What is WriterHire?

WriterHire is the premier platform dedicated solely to connecting businesses with expert freelance writers. With the increasing demand for quality technical documentation, grant proposals, blog posts, user manuals, white papers, and software documentation, WriterHire ensures you have access to the best writers, catering to a vast array of industries and niches.


2. Why choose WriterHire?

WriterHire has a number of key benefits:

  1. Curated Pool of Writers: Every writer on WriterHire has undergone a rigorous vetting process, ensuring they possess not only impeccable writing skills but also a deep understanding of technical concepts.
  2. Industry Specific Writers: Whether you’re in aerospace, IT, healthcare, or any other industry, find writers who are well-versed in your domain.
  3. Secure Collaboration Tools: WriterHire built-in tools allow you to collaborate, edit, and provide feedback in real-time, ensuring seamless communication between you and the writer.
  4. Transparent Pricing: Understand the cost upfront. Our transparent pricing model ensures you get value for every penny spent.
  5. Project Management: Track the progress of your project, set milestones, and ensure timely delivery through our intuitive project management dashboard.
  6. Knowledge Protection: Your business’s information remains confidential. All writers adhere to a strict NDA policy, guaranteeing the protection of sensitive information.
  7. Feedback and Rating System: After the completion of projects, clients can leave feedback and rate writers, ensuring the quality of the marketplace remains top-notch.


3. How to hire a writer with the right expertise?

You will need to interview each candidate, including reviewing their work history thoroughly. This is time-consuming, but it is the only way to ensure you know who you are hiring. Alternatively, hire a developer from WriterHire, which does the hard work for you by matching you to the most suitable writer from its community of experts.


4. What is the best site to hire a professional writer?

WriterHire. Ok, there, we said it. If you look at the comprehensive range of services we offer and our level of talent, you’ll realize that we have the best writers for your project.


5. How much does it cost to hire an expert writer?

The cost of hiring a writer through WriterHire depends on a number of criteria including the tech expertise required, the number of work hours, etc. The easiest way to get an accurate estimate is to fill out our project specification, which only takes a minute.

Here’s a breakdown of what affects cost:

  1. Expertise and Specialization: Highly specialized writers, such as those with expertise in industries like aerospace, biotechnology, or advanced IT concepts, generally charge more than generalist writers. Their specialized knowledge and skills can command a premium.
  2. Experience: A seasoned writer with years of experience and a proven track record might charge higher rates than someone who’s just starting out.
  3. Project Complexity: Writing a detailed white paper or a technical manual would typically cost more than simpler tasks like blog posts or website content.
  4. Length of the Project: While some writers charge by the word, others might charge by the page or the project. A longer piece will generally cost more.
  5. Turnaround Time: If you need something written on a tight deadline, you might have to pay a rush fee.
  6. Research Involved: Projects that require extensive research or interviews will typically be priced higher.
  7. Geographical Location: Writers based in countries or cities with a higher cost of living might charge more than those in areas where living costs are lower.
  8. Revisions: The number of revisions included in the quoted price can influence costs. Additional revisions might come at an extra charge.


6. How does WriterHire guarantee the quality of its writers?

To become part of the WriterHire community, writers must pass our training on sister company website and community, Technical Writer HQ, the leading training platform for tech writers. They then must pass a rigorous interview undertaken by an experienced in-house evaluation team. After they are accepted, they are fully trained in our unique approach and are performance monitored throughout their time working with clients. To protect our clients, we hold payment until the client approves our writers’ work.


Our Writers Have Been Featured On

Ready to Start Your Project?

Hire Expert Writers
Vera Agiang

Vera Agiang

icon Technical Writer

Previously at Zavvy

Charles Daly

Charles Daly

icon Book Writer

Previously at Roku Inc.

Giles Watling

Giles Watling

icon Copywriter

Previously at NightWriter

Abby McCoy RN BSN

Abby McCoy RN BSN

icon Medical Writer

Previously at St. Louis Children's Hospital

Justina Perro

Justina Perro

icon SaaS Content Creator

Previously at Localytics

Sharon Wu

Sharon Wu

icon Ghostwriter

Previously at Forbes

Natasha Kingdon

Natasha Kingdon


Previously at Lab